JASIC Volume. 2, Issue 2 (2021)


Musbahu Muhammad Muhammad, Usman Mohammed Bala, Ya'u Nuhu


eLearning ISS Model ICT facilities Course Content Quality Service Quality

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Adopting eLearning in Universities: A Challenge of Technology Factors

Abstract: The use of eLearning has yield a positive outcome in Universities in developed countries. However, in developing countries, it partially yield good result i.e for those Universities that attempted to implement it. Virtually the teaching and learning in Nigerian Universities is still done in its traditional way. The issue of Corona virus has affected education negatively in Nigeria. It led to shutting down of schools across the country. Fewer Universities (private Universities) attempted to use eLearning for teaching and learning as an alternative to the normal conventional theatre lectures. This has resulted in a kind of discrimination between the less privilege Universities and those that are opportune to have access to technological infrastructure. Moreover, those Universities that attempted to use eLearning where not able to leverage positive outcome. This study examine the technological challenges in adapting eLearning in some Nigerian universities. The study was based on extended Information System Success Model (ISS) of Delone and Mclean. A descriptive design approach was be adapted. Findings of the study revealed the following technological factors that affect adaptation of eLearning in universities such as; inadequate technological infrastructure, digital divide and unwise selection of eLearning platform. However, under the current COIVD-19 pandemic, emphasis have been made on cost of data subscription and ICT gadgets